9-11th October 2019 | Porto - Portugal

9-11th October 2019 | Porto - Portugal
International Thematic Conference
Computational Simulation of Cancer: Molecular and Cellular Dynamics
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of CompCancer2019, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the first International Thematic Conference on Computational Simulation of Cancer: Molecular and Cellular Dynamics - CompCancer2019.
COMPCANCER 2018 is a thematic conference of the European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and it has been promoted by the “Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional” (APMTAC).
CompCancer will take place in Porto (Portugal) on 9-11 October 2019. Participants will have the opportunity to present and to discuss relevant topics and will be exposed to new ideas and possibilities for fresh developments regarding computational advances for cancer simulation and in-silico prediction.
We are looking forward to receiving your contribution and to host you in Porto in October of 2019.